Our Story
Hello, I'm Cheryl, and this adorable little dog is Willow!
I rescued Willow when she was just 9 months old, and she has been my trusty little side kick ever since! She is the perfect combination of smarts and sass, and is fiercely loyal. As the old saying goes 'I didn't rescue my dog, my dog rescued me' - and that just couldn't be more true about this teeny little poodle!
Although it started out as just Willow and I, our little family has expanded; and we are now joined by my incredibly supportive partner Edward, Sky; our gorgeous Cocker Spaniel, and Bruno; our dinky Yorkie!
I love our home smelling fresh and clean, and have always used a variety of home fragrance products. During the couple of years or so before I set up Willowax, I began really paying attention to the ingredients within the products I had been using, as I wanted any products I used around our home to be as natural as possible.
Around March 2019, I began pottering around my kitchen in my spare time, developing my own natural wax blend; which combines soy wax and coconut wax.
Word spread that I had created my own, natural, wax blend and more and more people started asking to purchase my creations. Although I had not originally set out to start a small business, I have absolutely loved every part of this exciting journey.
I spent longer than I care to admit trying to choose a company name, and I sat on my sofa, staring at the floor, hoping for some sort of divine intervention... Well it may not have been divine intervention, but it was certainly Willow intervention! She sat, staring back at me, as though I had completely lost it. That sweet little face looking up at me made it clear that just no other name would do. And so Willowax was born!
I have carefully selected every single component of my products, to bring you only the highest quality, natural, home fragrance which I hope you will love as much as I have loved creating them for you.